Malala is an inspiration to girls, boys, and all children around the world. She speaks up in order to help give girls an education. I am in a class known as MDGs. We talk about the problems that are happening in the world today, and how to fix them if my class and I ever could. Malala is a big part in improving this world. So for our assignment, we created a powerpoint that shows quotes and information from the book I Am Malala. I hope this will help you have better perspective of Malala.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Overtale (Undertale Reference)
This is a slideshow that we made in our Water class. It talks about CO2 levels in Bordeaux France, and how the CO2 level will effect them in 2100. The reason I made this presentation was because in my Water class, my class and I focus of the context of water, weather, and climate change. We were learning mainly about climate change, and how it effect parts all around the world. I am proud of this slide show, since it brings the reader a better understanding of the problem. I hope this makes you understand the CO2 problem in the atmosphere will keep getting stronger and stronger until we do something about it.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Did Gender Equality Really Progress?
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Gerloff, Alfred A. Jr. (2005) First All Female Crew. Web: Wikipedia |
Did Gender Equality Really Progress?
Women have been discriminated ever since the beginning of humankind. Even today, women are still treated like second class citizens. They are treated like they are second class citizens through government, combat, and domestic abuse. But women aren’t just being treated like second class citizens in places like South Africa or Afghanistan. Women in the US and in Poland treated inferior to men, even though both countries say they are more “evolved” and “progressive” than most countries.
Between 2001and 2012, at least 6,488 US troops were killed in Afghanistan. But 11,766 women were killed by their ex male partners during the exact same time frame(Vagianos). Even in wars, it is more risky to be a woman in domestic violence, than it is to be in combat. At least 3 women are murdered per day by their male abuser in the US (Vagianos). Even with this problem, the US states they are the most “evolved” country in the world. Not only is gender inequality in domestic violence, but in the government and politics as well. Data from the 2006 American National Election Studies Pilot Study showed that both male and female voters, regardless of their political persuasions, expected men to perform better as politicians than women. People believe about areas such as combat and national affairs would be best handled by male politicians. As for female politicians, they have been expected to be in areas such as education and child care, rather than any other area of government.( But for the women in military, there are about 203,000 female soldiers in frontal combat. But most times, women in the US are sexually harassment by men all around different areas in the army. Statistics suggest that as high as 1 in 3 women experience sexual assault while in the military, twice the reported statistic for sexual assault among civilians. Even with this injustice, the military’s judicial systems remains outside of the American legal process and most perpetrators of sexual assault go unpunished (Pedowitz). This is an injustice to women all around American, and should be stopped.
Ever since the 90’s, Poland has been striving for gender equality and women's rights. Yet even today, there is a large percentage of of domestic abuse for women. Poland is the country with the lowest rate of violence against women in the European Union (EU), according to a report published in 2008. But even then, Poland has percentage of “just” 19. So is “scoring” lowest a reason to celebrate, or was it rather a wake-up call for Poland. After all, 19 percent still means that almost one if five women in Poland experienced violence. Also, often time, people who are suppose to help such as officers, are reducing domestic abuse as a solvable “conflict” within the family (Mis). Even if Poland improved in gender equality, they still have a lot more progress to make before they truly treat women like first class citizens. But even if the Poland government still needs work on domestic abuse, they’re still striving to stop gender inequality since the late 90’s. In 1997, the Government adopted a first National Programme of Activities in aid of Women, which had been drawn up with a strong involvement and participation of the more than 300 non-governmental organisations for women all around. They have been trying to help women in Poland all around gain high jobs, better pay, have gender equality and much more. Yet, even though women are advancing, there are in total 1153 women in their military fighting frontal combat. In Poland’s defence, there population compared to the US is about 167 times the amount Poland is. Also, Poland has only been accepting women into military academies since 1999, and most of the female soldiers graduated at 2003(Reinsberg). But in the end, Poland government and combat have less sexist than they were a decade before. They still need work on some areas, but they are trying to improve for the better.
In total, America can learn from Poland, and Poland can do do vice versa. Even though Poland and America are different countries, they both have their own histories with gender inequality. We Americans say we are evolved and our country is the most advanced in the world, but looking at the facts, it show that Poland is more progressive than the US. Poland has been trying to eradicate gender inequality since the 1997. Even if they still need work on some areas, they are still going in the right track. As for America, Poland should learn how to accept more women into their military and combat. But in Poland defense, Poland has only excepted women since 1997. Not to mention the population in Poland is at least 167 times smaller than the population in the US. In the end, we can all work together to stopping gender inequality. Sure, there’s always be the one sexsist trying to make sure gender inequality stays. But as long as we treat all people, no matter what race, sex, or gender, well, then the voice of that sexsist will fade away in a crowd speaking for gender equality.
Works Cited
A.Vagianos “30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics That Remind Us It’s An Epidemic” October 17, 2016
E. Pedowitz “Women Now Allowed In Combat Roles, But We Still See Inequality in the Ranks” October 17, 2016
“Gender equality and women's rights / empowerment in Poland” Website:
October 18, 2016
“Gender Inequality in Politics” 17 Oct. 2016 from
“Gender violence in EU lowest in Poland - should we rejoice?” October 17, 2016
M. Mis “Gender violence in EU lowest in Poland - should we rejoice?” October 17, 2016
Gerloff Jr "File:C-130 - First all female crew.jpg" Oct 20, 2016
URL: October 17, 2016
E. Pedowitz “Women Now Allowed In Combat Roles, But We Still See Inequality in the Ranks” October 17, 2016
“Gender equality and women's rights / empowerment in Poland” Website:
October 18, 2016
“Gender Inequality in Politics” 17 Oct. 2016 from
“Gender violence in EU lowest in Poland - should we rejoice?” October 17, 2016
M. Mis “Gender violence in EU lowest in Poland - should we rejoice?” October 17, 2016
Gerloff Jr "File:C-130 - First all female crew.jpg" Oct 20, 2016
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Five Countries without Filters (FNAF reference)
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J.N 2016 Oct 17 Filter Poster |
There were various steps to building this filter. What I first did was that I cut open the bottom of the bottle in order for water/the ingredients to enter(Carbon, Gravel Sand). I first used the hammer and nail to poke at least 4 small holes, and three big holes into the cap of the bottle. The reason why I did this was because I saw one of my classmates doing this method, and it work really well for him. My prototype had a very slow rate of filtration, and I didn’t want the same mistake with the caps on this one. I then cut and added a small piece of cloth twisted onto the bottle with the cap. The reason was because I wanted the water to be clean and not have any other substance with it when it came out of the bottle. I then added activated carbon, and put another piece of cloth on top of the carbon. Next, I put gravel on top of that cloth, and added sand as well. The reason to put sand on gravel and not vice versa was because when I was at the water filtration plant, they had put sand on top of gravel. This was because in water, a heavier and larger object would fall faster than a smaller object. So I followed their example. The problem was I had sand from a nearby golf course at the time. When I tried to put water in it, it made the water even more disgusting. So I had to wash the bottle after my first try, and had to redo most of the process. Only this time, without the golf sand. I bought all purpose sand the next day, and also used some of the Petco school sand when I got to school. My filter was then finished.
How my filter works is I first put water into the top of the surface, where all the bigger and smaller pieces will already be filtered out due to the fact that the top of the filter is pet sand. The water then goes through all the purpose sand, and then through the first piece of cloth. The reason I added cloth there was because I did not want the sand to fully mix with the gravel. The water then goes through the gravel in order to let the water pass quickly while leaving some traces of water. It then goes through another piece of cloth, and goes to the last layer. The last layer is active carbon, and the reason carbon is there is because it absorbs tiny molecules of dirt/toxins with its pores.
How my filter is similar to groundwater filtration is that it has water pass through many natural substances you would find in the wild, such as sand and gravel. It also has a similar layering system, with sand at the top, gravel in the middle, and charcoal at the bottom. Finally, it produces clean and efficient water, but doesn’t change the pH much.
The reason I choose to make my water filter look this way is because in mind mind, it was easy to gain access to all these items. Most of these items you can either find in the forest, such as sand gravel, and charcoal. As for the rest, you can find it in any trash can, grocery store, or even polluted lake. These items would be the bottle and the cloth.
J.N Oct 6 2016 Dirty Water |
J.N Oct 6 2016 Clean WateJ.N. 2016 Oct 5 |
The water I was filtering out was originally river water from a previous FE(Field Experience). I added substances such as dirt, street water, and a cigarette butt into my dirty water in order to see the difference. After I dirtied up the water, I tested out the ph level, and got a 4.0, or an area that is in the acidic part of the pH scale. After I used my filter with the water, I got a 4.1, a 0.1 difference from the dirty water.
I of course didn’t taste the water. I would be poisoned, or at least have diarrhea. Instead, I smelled both of the water samples so that I wouldn’t get sick. The dirty water smelled like a cigarettes. This is because in the dirty water, it had some cigarette butts in it. The clean water didn’t have much of a scent, so that meant the filter did work properly in some ways. But judging by the ph level, the filter didn’t fully filter the water. The sample that was filtered was cleaner and little to no dirt than the before sample.
My Water Filter
J.N Oct 13 2016 "Filter Picture" |
Equation: -log10(H+)= 10^ph=(H+), so, -log10(H+)= 10^-ph(4.0/4.1), and that would equal 10^-4= 0.0001and 10^-4.1=0.000079... Divide 0.0001 from 0.000079... = 0.7493
Before After
Acidic Neutral Basic
Work Cited
“How to make a Water Filter” 2016, oct 5
“How To Make A Water Filter” 2016, Oct 5
“Practical Primitive” 2016 Oct 5
J.N "Picture Filter" 2016 Oct 13
J.N "Clean Water" 2016 Oct 6
J.N "Dirty Water" 2016 Oct 6
J.N "Dirty Water" 2016 Oct 6
J.N "Filter Poster" 2016 Oct 17
URL://;postID=8007807837895614081;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postnameMonday, October 3, 2016
Education Should Be a Human Right
I create this article in my MDG class after learning all about multiple parts of the world that doesn't gain access to education. I hope that whoever reads t will enjoy it at least, and will try to help out on stopping education crises in Africa, America, and the Middle East.
According to a study for the Global Partnership of Education, “Children who don’t go to school are often the most vulnerable and marginalized”. Children are forced to work with their families, just because some families can’t afford an education. They will grow up into the same situation as their parents, and will repeat the same process with their own children. There are other reasons, such as people going to school would result with helping their families with income. The other reason would be that it would help out the economy in multiple ways. The final reason is there would be less poverty and economic struggle in the world. I believe ensuring that all children should go to school, not should, but must be considered a human right.
According to UNESCO, at least 61 million primary school-age children were not enrolled in school in 2010 . At least 47% of these children were never expected to enter school, and 26% attended school but left. As they grow up, they will become part of people 3 billion people that are below the poverty line. When people are not educated, they have a harder time finding jobs and an even worst time supporting a family with the income of that job. They couldn’t afford most needs, (such as warmth, proper food , and proper clothing)and would have to live in the worst of conditions. They would also have little to no medical help, since most jobs that are for people that haven’t graduated college or high school, doesn’t give medical help at all. This is why Education falls into the Safety category in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In this world today, people must need shelter, food, water, medical help,and warmth to survive. The consequences of not fulfilling these would have a terrible effect onto the families across the globe. Without proper education, people would lack the certain qualities to gain jobs that support families with the correct amount of income they need to survive. Without a certain amount of income, people can’t be able to afford essentials such of protection and medical help to survive. In 2011, 165 million children under the age 5 were stunted due to chronic malnutrition. (Do something. org) because people in poverty can’t afford medical help for children. Their lack of money is because of the lack of education they had when they were children.
In most cases, gaining education leads to higher paying jobs. This would lead to a higher pay rate, and a better economy. The State of Working America, or the SWA, has done a survey and found out that most people who are looking for job are not the ones fit for it“Job seekers outnumber job openings by a significant margin—in September 2010, the ratio was 5 to 1.”. This is because people would either not go to school, or couldn’t be able to finish school. Without education, people cannot be able to gain certain jobs that some economies desperately needs. This isn’t happening just in the U.S . In Hatch, Africa, a man named Adrian Young spoke out for African Academy about for the lack of engineers in South Africa. He states how the Engineering Industry is lacking of so many engineers, they had to expand to expatriate professionals.(African Academy) This is because many Africans don’t have the proper education for primary schools, and because of that, people couldn’t go to college. If we do create a better and more accessible primary education, then we might be able to help the economy grow by gaining the better and more needed jobs that economies need.
We have to stop saying to ourselves that everything will be fine. We have to start thinking about the future, and to do that, we have to start thinking about the next generation of the future. In most cases,the best thing to do to give children proper teachers and staff first. In 2002, an analysis was made, and it was found out that the teachers working in public schools in Texas, at least 1 out of 3 lacked academic training or proper certification.(Department of Education/Time Magazine)What we need to do is to bring more money for better teachers and better staff. We can gain them in two ways. We can be able be taxed by the U.S.government, or we can create fundraisers to help gain better staff and better teachers. As for the children in Africa, we can be able to bring schools to them as well with the help of fundraising as well.
If children weren’t able to gain a proper education, then it would be harder to find a proper job in places such as cities and economically advanced parts of the world. They would descend into poverty, and not gain access to medical and financial help, and could not afford shelter, nor food. But if we worked together, we could be able to gain a proper education for primary schools, and make it accessible in all parts of world.
Works Cited:
“11 Facts About Education Around the World” 2016, Oct 2. URL:
“11 Facts About Global Poverty”. 2016 Oct 2. URL:
“Critical Skills Shortage in South Africa”. 2016, Oct 2.
“Out-of-school Children” 2016, Oct 2. URL:
Rotherham, A. “The Education Crisis No One Is Talking About ”. 2016, Oct 2. URL:,8599,2070930,00.html
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WEISBORD, Bernd. Carolus Magnus Schule-Burundi. Web: Wikicommons |
According to UNESCO, at least 61 million primary school-age children were not enrolled in school in 2010 . At least 47% of these children were never expected to enter school, and 26% attended school but left. As they grow up, they will become part of people 3 billion people that are below the poverty line. When people are not educated, they have a harder time finding jobs and an even worst time supporting a family with the income of that job. They couldn’t afford most needs, (such as warmth, proper food , and proper clothing)and would have to live in the worst of conditions. They would also have little to no medical help, since most jobs that are for people that haven’t graduated college or high school, doesn’t give medical help at all. This is why Education falls into the Safety category in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In this world today, people must need shelter, food, water, medical help,and warmth to survive. The consequences of not fulfilling these would have a terrible effect onto the families across the globe. Without proper education, people would lack the certain qualities to gain jobs that support families with the correct amount of income they need to survive. Without a certain amount of income, people can’t be able to afford essentials such of protection and medical help to survive. In 2011, 165 million children under the age 5 were stunted due to chronic malnutrition. (Do something. org) because people in poverty can’t afford medical help for children. Their lack of money is because of the lack of education they had when they were children.
In most cases, gaining education leads to higher paying jobs. This would lead to a higher pay rate, and a better economy. The State of Working America, or the SWA, has done a survey and found out that most people who are looking for job are not the ones fit for it“Job seekers outnumber job openings by a significant margin—in September 2010, the ratio was 5 to 1.”. This is because people would either not go to school, or couldn’t be able to finish school. Without education, people cannot be able to gain certain jobs that some economies desperately needs. This isn’t happening just in the U.S . In Hatch, Africa, a man named Adrian Young spoke out for African Academy about for the lack of engineers in South Africa. He states how the Engineering Industry is lacking of so many engineers, they had to expand to expatriate professionals.(African Academy) This is because many Africans don’t have the proper education for primary schools, and because of that, people couldn’t go to college. If we do create a better and more accessible primary education, then we might be able to help the economy grow by gaining the better and more needed jobs that economies need.
We have to stop saying to ourselves that everything will be fine. We have to start thinking about the future, and to do that, we have to start thinking about the next generation of the future. In most cases,the best thing to do to give children proper teachers and staff first. In 2002, an analysis was made, and it was found out that the teachers working in public schools in Texas, at least 1 out of 3 lacked academic training or proper certification.(Department of Education/Time Magazine)What we need to do is to bring more money for better teachers and better staff. We can gain them in two ways. We can be able be taxed by the U.S.government, or we can create fundraisers to help gain better staff and better teachers. As for the children in Africa, we can be able to bring schools to them as well with the help of fundraising as well.
If children weren’t able to gain a proper education, then it would be harder to find a proper job in places such as cities and economically advanced parts of the world. They would descend into poverty, and not gain access to medical and financial help, and could not afford shelter, nor food. But if we worked together, we could be able to gain a proper education for primary schools, and make it accessible in all parts of world.
Works Cited:
“11 Facts About Education Around the World” 2016, Oct 2. URL:
“11 Facts About Global Poverty”. 2016 Oct 2. URL:
“Critical Skills Shortage in South Africa”. 2016, Oct 2.
“Out-of-school Children” 2016, Oct 2. URL:
Rotherham, A. “The Education Crisis No One Is Talking About ”. 2016, Oct 2. URL:,8599,2070930,00.html
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