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WEISBORD, Bernd. Carolus Magnus Schule-Burundi. Web: Wikicommons |
According to UNESCO, at least 61 million primary school-age children were not enrolled in school in 2010 . At least 47% of these children were never expected to enter school, and 26% attended school but left. As they grow up, they will become part of people 3 billion people that are below the poverty line. When people are not educated, they have a harder time finding jobs and an even worst time supporting a family with the income of that job. They couldn’t afford most needs, (such as warmth, proper food , and proper clothing)and would have to live in the worst of conditions. They would also have little to no medical help, since most jobs that are for people that haven’t graduated college or high school, doesn’t give medical help at all. This is why Education falls into the Safety category in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In this world today, people must need shelter, food, water, medical help,and warmth to survive. The consequences of not fulfilling these would have a terrible effect onto the families across the globe. Without proper education, people would lack the certain qualities to gain jobs that support families with the correct amount of income they need to survive. Without a certain amount of income, people can’t be able to afford essentials such of protection and medical help to survive. In 2011, 165 million children under the age 5 were stunted due to chronic malnutrition. (Do something. org) because people in poverty can’t afford medical help for children. Their lack of money is because of the lack of education they had when they were children.
In most cases, gaining education leads to higher paying jobs. This would lead to a higher pay rate, and a better economy. The State of Working America, or the SWA, has done a survey and found out that most people who are looking for job are not the ones fit for it“Job seekers outnumber job openings by a significant margin—in September 2010, the ratio was 5 to 1.”. This is because people would either not go to school, or couldn’t be able to finish school. Without education, people cannot be able to gain certain jobs that some economies desperately needs. This isn’t happening just in the U.S . In Hatch, Africa, a man named Adrian Young spoke out for African Academy about for the lack of engineers in South Africa. He states how the Engineering Industry is lacking of so many engineers, they had to expand to expatriate professionals.(African Academy) This is because many Africans don’t have the proper education for primary schools, and because of that, people couldn’t go to college. If we do create a better and more accessible primary education, then we might be able to help the economy grow by gaining the better and more needed jobs that economies need.
We have to stop saying to ourselves that everything will be fine. We have to start thinking about the future, and to do that, we have to start thinking about the next generation of the future. In most cases,the best thing to do to give children proper teachers and staff first. In 2002, an analysis was made, and it was found out that the teachers working in public schools in Texas, at least 1 out of 3 lacked academic training or proper certification.(Department of Education/Time Magazine)What we need to do is to bring more money for better teachers and better staff. We can gain them in two ways. We can be able be taxed by the U.S.government, or we can create fundraisers to help gain better staff and better teachers. As for the children in Africa, we can be able to bring schools to them as well with the help of fundraising as well.
If children weren’t able to gain a proper education, then it would be harder to find a proper job in places such as cities and economically advanced parts of the world. They would descend into poverty, and not gain access to medical and financial help, and could not afford shelter, nor food. But if we worked together, we could be able to gain a proper education for primary schools, and make it accessible in all parts of world.
Works Cited:
“11 Facts About Education Around the World” Dosomething.org 2016, Oct 2. URL:https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-education-around-world
“11 Facts About Global Poverty”. DoSomething.org 2016 Oct 2. URL:https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-global-poverty
“Critical Skills Shortage in South Africa”. africanacademy.com 2016, Oct 2.
“Out-of-school Children” globalpartnership.org 2016, Oct 2. URL:http://www.globalpartnership.org/focus-areas/out-of-school-children
Rotherham, A. “The Education Crisis No One Is Talking About ”. Content.time.com 2016, Oct 2. URL:http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2070930,00.html
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