
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Depression:(It's not a joyride)

Depression is a serious illness, but that doesn't mean it can't be treated. This is what my class, Cure, has been learning about. This STEAM class isn't only learning about external and internal disease, we also learned about cells, certain treatments made to fix certain diseases, and much more. We have also been shown a certain treatment in which claims to help both physically and spiritually. This treatment being called Yoga Nindra.

For this unit, we had to research certain medicaments and treatments needed to cure a disease. For myself, I choose depression as a starting point to research. This is because I have always been fascinated by illnesses, and depression is one of the most widespread. What I enjoyed about creating the assignment was the sideshow, as it show clear guidelines for how to use the medicaments. What I dislike, however, was that the information needed was hidden in complex and confusing ways. Such as certain ingredients not being shown within sources because at times a drug is considered a herb. But then you find the herb to truly be a drug, but only to contradict other sources entirely. Still, I hope you enjoy this presentation.

Lock and Key is the explanation of how drugs or chemicals work throughout the body in its simplest form. What happens is that biologically active molecules from the body enter what is called receptor sites on a cell, and is connected through hydrogen bonding. The effect of the molecule and sites coming together create a certain chemical reaction in the body depending on the cell. Hydrogen bonding can also be freeing proteins to feed the cell and body as well as different sorts of nerve impulses. What certain drugs such as antibodies do is that it blocks the opening of the receptor sites, and thus stops the functions/breaks certain cells. This also works for the drug Celexa shown above.

In conclusion, depression can be treated with time and patience for some of these treatments. Some treatment have also shown to work without time, but can be a dangerous risk. Such being that each cure has its ups and downs. We have to debate and consider on what could work for us in any situation, and if we can truly rely on one single treatment for most of the way. Still, I hoped you enjoyed the presentation.

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