The reason why I choose the illness diabetes is because much of my family has been affect for four generations. My cousin, KZ, was the inspiration for the profile, as she was the one who told me most of our family's illnesses. What I enjoyed most about this assignment was looking into my family tree, and see how it relates to my STEAM class. What I disliked about the assignment is the amount of grammar and formatting I had to fix. Still, I hope you all enjoy.
In conclusion, type 2 diabetes is a serious issue, and needs constant work in order for blood levels to be stable. It doesn't go away easily, and could take years or a lifetime to become healthy. For some people, being a diabetic comes from genetics throughout the family tree. But most of the problem comes from the environment in which the patient lives in. It took some time for this project to be made, and used more sources then the average AP. Reflecting on the class itself, I enjoyed how it integrated both science and math concepts as if they were the same. I also enjoyed on how this paper could be useful later on in life. Still, I hoped you enjoyed the APs from the sophomore year.