
Saturday, December 29, 2018


Entering within the middle of Freshman year, I had attended multiple programs within the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). Though I had long history with them, my work for 2017-2018 includes animation, still lives, and much more. However, these classes weren't only for technical practice, but also other elements as well.

Since my freshman year, I have been going to GCE Lab School where they teach students how to apply certain knowledge to how they could benefit a community rather then to absorb data. How this relates to SAIC is that the classes there have taught me to work and interact with group members, how to critic other people's work, and how different art styles have history and affect people internally. These are extremely important when trying to bring art to a community and how to improve said art.

I had multiple instructors help me within these classes. The first class of 2018 was between February 10th to April 28th by James Kelly.It was titled "Creative Writing" and lasted on Saturdays from 1pm-4pm, and was a total of 30 hrs for the whole class.

There was also a summer class that was taught by Meredith Leinch and June lasted between June 18th to June 29th. The class was labeled "2D Animation" and had hours of 9am to 4pm. 70hrs were accounted for the whole class.

There was a fall class by Dave Musgrave called "Animation Studio", which was also on Saturdays between 1pm-4pm. Only between September 29th to December 9th, the class had 30hrs in total.

Out of all of 2018, it was a total of 130 hours from each class.
JN "Face create with Dave's class" no website, Jan 1, 2019 from Jeimar Neiza on Vimeo.

Animation Tutoring

Since the beginning of sophomore year, I pursued my passion of becoming an animator through  private tutoring lessons. For the school year 2017-2018 it was with Andra Helton while in 2018-present, it has been with Joseph Meredith. Both incredible teachers that not only teach basics of animation, but also pre portions, perspective, and much more. However, there was other certain aspect of the classes that helped better myself as a person.

Within my freshman year until now, I have been going to GCE lab school. A high school with a certain learning style for students to apply real life rather then absorbing data. Not only that, but it also tries to create model students that help out with their community as they mature into adulthood. How this relates to my animation tutoring is through exercises such as demonstrating environments (proportions and perspective), thinking creatively about a project on what it means, and setting up schedules to meet. These are all important when helping a community through structure and art.
JN "Draft for project with help of Joe"
no website, Dec 29, 2018
JN "Draft for project with help of Joe(2)"
no website, Dec 29, 2018

For Andra's classes, they were on Fridays  between 3:00 to 4:00 on Fridays between September 22nd of 2017 to August 25 for an hour, totaling at about 40 total hours of work.

For Joseph, I have been meeting with in from 3:00 to 4:00 also for an hour on Fridays. The classes starting at September 7th up until the present day. This totaling to about 16hrs in total.

JN "Draft for project with help of Joe(3)"
no website, Dec 29, 2018

                                                                           Work Help by Andra over Months from Jeimar Neiza on Vimeo.

Japanese Lessons

Within sophomore and the beginning of junior year, I have challenged myself with time and determination to learn a third language with my spanish teacher, David Comas. Within these classes, I studied the Japanese culture, advanced writing such as Kanji, and reading short text/dialogue. However, I have also learned other aspects from these lessons.

Since my Freshman year, I have gone to GCE lab school. A environment that tries to make students think differently rather then absorbing data. Not only that, but also tries to urge its student to help out their community in the best of manners. From what I learned through these classes with David, I understood the idea of language, and what it could do to bring in a community. I also learned about how language can immerse a person into the culture, and what ideas could be brought from a different culture compared to our own.

I had classes on Thursday's lunch between 11:50-12:20 for a minimum of 30 minutes. In total time, it would equal to 24hrs of learning Japanese.

JN "Letter for lesson by David" no website Dec 29, 2018

Friday, December 28, 2018

Violin Lessons

Throughout the years, Elizabeth Rodriegez has been a personal tutor and taught me within the art of violin and music. Throughout 2018, we worked on such as poster/form, listening through ear, and understanding notes. However, the class didn't just supply me with practical techniques, but also helping myself become a rounded character through these lessons.

Since freshman year, I have gone to a school called GCE lab School, which is known for students to be active within their community and think within a different mindset. My music classes with Mrs. Rodriegez prepared myself to teach younger audiences, understand people, and much more. These perfectly relate within my school morals and helps me become a more global citizen.

For 2018, I have been going to Mrs. Rodreigez's home for an hour on Mondays and Thursday between 5:30 to 6:30 on both days.  Starting in September 10th, my total hours with my instructor would be at 32 hrs in total.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Building a tower at it's highest beak

Biomimicry has had a steady pace throughout the scientific and industrial world as it is considered a new process for our society. This is not only in the scientific community, but the architect community such construction and design. This is what my class (Biomimicry) and I are trying to learn: not only how certain types of biomimicry are created by large figures, but how we (the class) could use biomimicry in order to create our own design. This include lessons such as form/process/ecosystem, different forms of evolution, and much more. We had also gone to Lincoln Park Conservatory, and met with multiple figures associated with the science.
What we had to do for a project was to create two items that work with each other. These are housing and a mode of transportation. They also had to be based around certain animals either through their form, process, or ecosystem. What I disliked about this project was the time crush most of the students had in order to finish it. However, what I am proud of are the art pieces dedicated to the project. Still, I hope you enjoy.

For this assignment, multiple task had to be reworked in order for the model, drawing, and especially idea for the project to work. But in a way, that's what Biomimicry is all about. Redoing certain aspects of a project in order to see it in a different light and turn it into something stronger/efficient. Still, I wish I had a little more time to change certain aspects such as the model of the project as well as redoing some animation. Still, this project was a treat to do and it is one more step to turn the buildings into reality.

Annie Hall: Too good for the kids now?

Movies have been considered something of a treasure. Allowing us, the viewers, to empathizes or to scorn characters for their actions throughout the film. Of course, in order for one to find if the film itself is good, they must go through certain criteria such as framing, timing, etc. This is what my class, Ollywood, and I are trying learn from films within GCE lab school. Lessons that have also been included would be acting, lighting, and what inspires a film. We have also been brought to certain experiences such as meeting with an official and JollyHouse productions, discovering the  difference between play and film within Goodman Theatre, and much more.
For a project, we had to (with a partner) review a movie within the library of GCE. The review itself being checking out(in our own opinion) contained criteria such as lighting, framing, acting, and costume design. What I enjoyed the most about the project was reviewing the acting since I had the strongest opinion. What I didn't enjoy however was the time it took just to gain the footage. Still, I hope you enjoy BD and my review on Annie Hall.


“Photos”, Facebook, Web, Date Unknown, Dec 19, 2018

United Artists, "Screenshot from Annie Hall", Vice, Web, 1977, Dec 19, 2018

United Artist "Name Unknown", IGN, Web, 1977, Dec 19, 2018
United Artist " Name Unknown". Den of Geek, Web, 1977, Dec 19, 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

BMA Martial Arts

Throughout the year, I had have shown my work and effort through physical activity at BMA Martial Arts.  What I specifically worked on within these classes were Brazilian Jiujitsu, Tae-Kwon-Do, and subsets of those forms which helped my advancements in health and in self defense. These lesson individually are extremely important when facing against certain problems within Chicago and any city as a whole. However, I had also learned to grow as a person with lessons such as obedience, determination, and self reflection thanks to my instructor within these lessons.
This is perfectly what GCE tries to do for students, as becoming open to different perspectives means to self reflect on your own ideas rather then staying within a bubble. Though BMA is separate from GCE Lab School, it still builds upon the lessons GCE has tried to teach to its students and parents.

Within this gym, I had stayed within the 2017-2018 school year on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays- as well as the first two months of the school year 2018-2019, where I worked only on Thursdays and Fridays. The total hours that were from the two years were between 180-200.

JN "BMA Martial"  no website 2018

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Hellos Mice Trap

Evolution and nature have always been a grand inspiration for human beings, as they already had billions of years to use trial and error for all natural challenges. This is what my class, Biomimicry, and I are trying to learn (at GCE Lab School). What we learn for this class is evolution, different laws of nature, science behind plant/animal consumption, and much more. We have also gone to certain places such as Interface and Lincoln Park Conservatory in order to understand how humans integrated plants within society.
What we have to do for this project is create an item based around a certain plant each individual chose. For myself, I chose the Nepenthes Ventricosa, a carnivorous plant that lives in the Philippines. What I tried to do was to create an animal friendly mouse trap based around the plant. What I enjoyed the most from this project would be the animation, as it took a lot of work in order to produce it. I also enjoyed researching the science behind eye sight and light. However, the struggle I had was with time while finishing the project. Still, I hope you all enjoy.

Though most people don't realize it, biomimicry has been building and will continue to build most advanced societies throughout the world. My idea is only one out of the hundreds based around the natural world that we are fortunate to have. That is why I am proud of the extra work that I put into this project and all the visual that compliment the text in many ways. I believe this idea could be possible if one were to devote resources and time into creating the actual trap. For now, I believe it will just have to be an idea of many.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Shut up Peathers

Heather has been an inspiration to multiple people and consider a cult classic to many and was written/directed by Daniel Waters. Known to be ahead of its time, it takes punches at the society of that date and still remains relative even today. It's a movie I choose to analyze thanks to my class called Ollywood, here at GCE Lab School. What my class and I learn understanding film through post production, intention, and much more. We observed this through movies such as Jaws, Lord of the Rings, and many more. We also went outside the school to observe the role of finding the right location for the right film. What my class had to due for a project was to look at a movie and observe it intellectually. I choose the movie Heathers and based it on the characters, designs, motives, and inspiration of the film.
What I enjoy most about the project was that I felt prepared for this after seeing different critics for multiple movies. However, I found it a challenge to edit some parts after feedback, as I re-wrote 90% of the script. Over all, I believe I reviewed the film fairly on what it presented.

Heathers (1989).png
" New World Pictures, Heather,, Cinemarque Entertainmen, Web,
 1989, 2018

Sunday, October 28, 2018

PA Propaganda

Propaganda has used rhetoric in order to gain certain emotions for its audience to change their political views. At certain times, propaganda uses certain figures in a negative light such as"the other" in order for people to rally. This is what my class and I, Art of Rhetoric, had tried to understand. The techniques on how to unite people by through emotion, logic, and trust.  Not only that, but trying to use writing tools such as hyperbola, chamois, metaphor, and much more in order for the audience to believe that our statements are valid. We also learned through politicians in Chicago to understand their rhetoric such as Ugo Okere, candidate for the 40th Ward. All the techniques have been highly useful within looking not only at political videos, but also observing my own surroundings and trying to make myself more approchable during work.
What we had to due for a project was to create propaganda about our mayoral candidate, and try to convince people through the art of rhetoric. Not only logos, pathos, ethos- but also things such as undermining certain characters while also over-exaggerating others. We also had to state clearly on what our stance is within these art pieces and what audience this art piece was for. The struggle/ enjoyment I had with this art piece was the animation. It took me all day and few others to finish it, but I believe it enhances the experience for one and show directly what the audience should be rooting for.
What will happen to this project would be that it will be sent around to multiple candidates and citizens across Chicago. The reason is quite simple; it will be used to entice people into a People's Assembly. A "People's Assembly" is where a group of citizens come together in order to talk about certain issues that have been affecting the community for so long. These ideas coming up as either the safety or freedom of certain individuals within the limits of the community. For GCE's People's Assembly, we will be focusing mainly on the idea that students should be allowed within Chicago's political battlefield and have their perspective shown. These being certain policies that relate to education, poverty, and much more.
When making "King of Thought", I had two ideas:
1. What types of rhetorical techniques was it going to use in order grab the audience
2. How is it going to grab the audiences attention.
I believe in order to answer these questions, I must first explain my artwork piece by piece. First, I would like to talk about the name. The name "King of Thought" given for three reasons. The first being is that it related to the situation in which education was handle, and how it could impact the next generation of students . That Rahm Emmanual was consider a leader within the video, and would rather have his own way then the way of the people. Such as a selfish king. This being a perfect metaphor for what is happening right now. 

Not only, but the second reason being there is certain hyperbole when talking about these Kings, showing a black and white perspective on the situation. Rahm Emmanuel is only seen once and is shown to be a monstrous being who enjoys the downfall of students. He has no face and only shows emotion when being presented as a negative thing, such as the video call in out for his actions. The reason I bring this up is because throughout US history, certain figures have been placed as "the other" in order to promote violence and gain power. The biggest example would be in WWII, where multiple signs showed racist depictions of the Japanese from across the world. Exaggerating certain facial feature glorifying actions in a negative way and nobody disagreeing because propaganda was the only demonstration of those people at the time. My piece is no different, as not only glorifies Rahm as a villain, but glorifies Paul Vallas(the rhetorical Challenger) as a person that is extremely pure. To the point that there is even light behind him in one point in the video. Thus enforcing the black and white perspective onto the audience.

Which bring me to my third point-that the name itself was meant to lure audience in without even known the content. For most people and myself "King" is mostly associated with British Kings, in which the bloodline was bested upon by some deity, and therefore stating that they had all the power. This situation is no different, expect instead of a god or gods, it is society itself that chooses who can rule. Thus the name "King of Thought" rather then "Kings of Thought" with a main group of people that vote for Rahm rather then Paul. 

In the video, I had to address a certain audience so that they could look into my political perspective. I choose the audience of middle working class that is patriotic for the city. You could see this with the line " the working class of Chicago". Not only that, but I focused more on how Chicago could improve rather than the families improving or each of them have a specific dream. I generalized the students to make them seem as if all of them wanted to be businessmen or doctors more then anything else. I also stated "40-60 percent of residents" not "families", because I am trying to show more of a logos that shows the affect of the people in general. I also state the fact people of "ages 17-50" could gain this training despite most people associating students with young people. This allows the idea that Paul isn't just looking for young people, he is looking for Chicago itself to better improve for most ages.

Finally, I wish to talk about the message of this video. If it wasn't clear enough, I wanted to show off the policy in which core classes should be added with city colleges and that it would benefit every one. How the video present this is through animation, making it extremely visual creating a certain point. I wanted to show patriotism throughout all of the video as explain before. The best example would be the shot where a person (who assumably lives in the south side) is hear the narrator talk about this system being unfair. As the narrator is talk, we clearly see the person face drag from sadness to anger. This is extremely important because this person is both metaphorically and literally a citizen of Chicago and wants to fight against "the other". This being Rahm Emmanuel. Thus, it breaks the sound barrier not because it addresses the lower class, but also tries to address most of the patriots within Chicago.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Cycle Driver.

When designing an item, one must first ask questions, such as "Will it benefit a specific user compared to a general audience", "If other people will wish for it" and "How is it better compared to different brands". This is what my class, Design and Engineering, is trying to answer. In this unit we had specifically focused on subjects that could help us design items such as graphing, Kinetic & Potential Energy, and much more. We had also met with multiple organizations such as Divvy, BFF Bikes, and others.
AS "Equations for Geogebra"
Blogger, Oct 26, 2018

(meant to show the calculations of a graph)
What my class and I had to create was a small model for a bicycle that was meant for a specific person in Chicago. Not only that, but we also had to show the calculations on why it was better compared to other certain designs. One of the main struggles I had with this assignment was time and how my partner and I had to do multiple re-dos with either calculations or design on our model. There was also the task of working with a partner and the separation of communication. It was a bit of a struggle, but worth the effort.

AS "Geogebra graph"
Blogger, Oct 26, 2018
(graph itself)

When creating bikes, you could either remodel the bike, or create add ons. Each one brings benefit to the user, while having certain effects onto the movement or speed of the bike. When I say remodeling, I would mean something such as an Evo or Bicymple, where the idea of a bike is questioned and remade. For Bicymple, it would be the loss of the chain and allowing a new way to ride a bike.

Add ons, on the other hand, is the idea where the body of the bike stays the same, while certain parts are specifically built upon to make the experience greater. An example would be a Denny with its lock up handle. It doesn't affect how the bike is ridden, but it does help with the experience. The bike Denny also has an electric power assist, which could help going up certain terrains.

This is what my partner and I thought of when creating a bike for our user. Travis, a 16 year old boy, wishes to bike 5.5 miles to school. Since he passes the coast of Lake Michigan, he faces harsh winds and amplified weather. He lives up three flights of stairs within his apartment. He wishes for a bike that can suit all his needs while also being fast enough to get to school.

Sure, I think most bikes are either aluminum, steel, or some bikes are carbon fiber. So Carbon Fiber is really, really, expensive, and really, really light.” - Marcus

This quote is from a GCE instructor who I (JN) had the pleasure to interview. How this quote inspires the design of my bike! It brings up the idea of mass and weight, and shows that there should be a remodeling rather than an add on. The problem for most bikes is when lifted or brought by hand, the ride could have trouble only because of the fact that it’s too heavy. My bike, however, uses less of the same material. Yet it is built to balance weight like a bridge.

For my bike (The Breezer), I had to create a design and remodel it so that it wastes less money, is 3/4th as light, resistant to the elements, and impressive to look at. Based around the design of modern bridges and advanced architecture, The Breezer is the average body of a bicycle with 1 cm poles with an integrated structure rather than one tube. The handles, pedal mechanism, seat, and wheels all use similar materials compared to normal bikes. This bike benefits users and is better than other models because:

A.It is a well designed bike that pleases the eye with its geometry and can be see through to see what is inside of the body.

B. Uses less metal and therefore creates less weight that also has more creative ways to be locked down to a side of a wall.

C. The elements can easily pass through rather then push against the metal, like bars compared to boards.

It also has certain add ons such as bending handles to lessen storage space, and mountain tires dedicated to resist most of the elements. Finally, the seat has a lovely design that suits the bottom of any person.

JN "Calculations I Can See ", 
Blogger, Oct 26, 2018
Here are the calculations for The Breezer written down. The calculations show equations for circumference, diameter, and radius of the wheel. Not only that, the conversions of miles to meters, speed, rotations, and so much more. There's also the calculations for the kinetic energy and velocity of the bike.
JN "Calculations For Me."
Blogger, Oct 26, 2018
Next, we have both the original design as well as the model. The add ons being the weather resistant or mountain bike designed wheels, its bendable handles that allow easier storage, and its comfortable seating. It also shows what the tube design could have looked like.

Finally, we have the gear ratio, which determines the explanation of how fast the bike needs to be.

JN "Explanation"
Blogger, Oct 26, 2018
(For this bike, I believe the best solution would be to have the gear ratio of 48/12.
The reason I believe this is even though the wheel is for mountain biking, The Breezer will always be within
the limits of the city. Therefore, it wouldn't make sense to either add multiple gears or
design the bike to go uphill. Not to mention that time is especially important for school, and being faster rather then durable would create a huge benefit for Travis.)

In conclusion, my partner and I tried to create a bike that was not only sustainable for one person, but for anyone. Travis is not the only person who has these problems, and it would benefit many to have a bike that's resistant to the weather. The two obstacles creating this project were redoing some of the calculations as well as communication with my partner. There was also confusion with creating the model and how much time was allowed. Besides that, I personally believe this project was a success.

JN"Robocop bike "
Blogger, Oct 26, 2018

JN"Bike Design"
Blogger. Oct 26, 2018

Here is AS (my partner) blog.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Butterfly Passge

JN"Dark Room"
Oct 27, 2018
JN"Dark Room"
Oct 27, 2018
While writing this piece, I was at my father's car in a fast lane in order to pass the traffic throughout the city. Each turn and motion energetic as a tried writing this piece. What was worse was I didn't have an eraser and I couldn't think of anything surreal. I wanted to do something that was more connected to myself. So I tried a simpler approached that wasn't surreal but left open for interpretation. I wanted to create a dialogue where certain colors represent the opposite for certain characters. For example, the blue character(Lucy) is rude and arrogant, while the color blue simulates camminity and creativity. This contrast allowed myself to image the personalty of the character better. Though, looking at it now, it still needs improvement with writing.

The conclusion of my story was something I didn't think about for long term. It didn't have a point it needed to go. Or at minimum was straying away from the conclusion as much as possible. The sentences mostly consist of phrases or incomplete sentences. There doesn't seem to be many dependent clause, rather independent clauses. The fanboys are limited, with only 'and" to be around for the most part. This, to myself, would make sense. The concept is that they're trapped in a dark room, and are somewhat in a state of panic. In other words, wouldn't for the most part be necceraly to add extra details into some dialogue if they can't see anything, or are not holding anything in a room with nothing. Just quick phrase to get their ideas through.
JN"Dark Room"
Oct 27, 2018

JN"Dark Room"
Oct 27, 2018
There are certain themes within the story. Mainly, I would say the themes being worry, mystery, and anger. These being shown through the characters rather then the narrator. We see this the best in the yellow character, who had just given up at the start.

My hope was for this piece to develop the characters and see where they would all be going and discovering. An idea of mystery and worry. Something where the character's wouldn't discover the room, but also eachother for the audience to see.

Day 2: Caterpillar
On the second day, I tried to revise my piece on the problems I saw. There were four chooses I had to pick from in order to improve my story.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Francisco Goya

Image result for jupiter eating his son
Francisco Goya, "Jupiter Devoring his son"
Wiki,en. Date Unknown
Oct 21, 2018
Fancisco Goya era un señor que vivo en los años de 1746 hasta 1823. Muchos peisa de le como el primer artista moderna. Sun arte tenía los ideas de romanticismo y también los ideas de todos los malos de ser humanos. El primero trabajó como un artista para los nobeles, y pinto nara pero arte tradicionado. Era después del invasion de Napoleon, que Goya cogió el inspiración para su nuevo ideas de pintura. Con su manos, el ácido los pinturas negras, que tienen los ideas de tristeza, muerto, y todo los malos un person pudiese a tener. Muchos de estos trabajos tenían dioses y diebels. La mas bueno conocido pintura ere “Jupiter devoa as su hijo.” En este pintura, se muestre el storia del Tinton Kronos comiendo as su hijos solo porque el creía que unos de ellos le ban a derrocamiento a el. En el pintura, Kronos esto mirando al audiencia, comiendo un brazo del hijo. El casa también no este, el hijo tiene solo sangre para vistide. El cara de Kronos tiene los ideas de horror y triste en la miso tiempo, y también refracta como un monstruo. El aluso que está muestado en el pintura esté enfocado so para el entral del pintura, y ayuda el idea del el negro saliendo afuera. Los colores son negro, café, rojo, mario oscuro, y mucho más.

En los años donde Goya primero trabajo, el estudio debajo un amigo en Zaragoza. Francisco Bayeu, el maestro, se mostró su hermana a Goya, y ellos tenido un hijo llamado Javier. Un señor muy lindo, que Goya dijo que persona se paran solo a mirar su cara. El dia donde su hijo cojo enfermedad, Goya “paro viviendo para ese un período”.

Goya era inspiración magnifico que ponía ideas en los mentes de artistas del 1900s, unos asiendo Pablo Picasso Salvador Dalí. Sin el, no teniamos mucho del arte que tenemos arora.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Rhetorical Canidate

When looking at figure, one should recognize the certain technics in order convince their audience on their position, good or bad. That is what my class, Art of Rhetoric, is trying to understand. These technics being from context, rhetorical tools, rhetorical appeal and much more. We have also went into certain exhibits such as "Remembering MLK" or meeting Troy LaRavie in order to understand their rhetoric. My class and I were had an assignment where we needed to understand and analyze a text that our candidate (which we choose in the last unit) has done. Not only that, but try to conclude if it is successful. What was challenging about this project is the time frame that assignment had. What I enjoyed however was analyzing and stating my opinions on what my candidate meant. Still, I hope you enjoy.

Paul Vallas has been a controversial character since the beginning of his campaign, and challenged multiple people against his stances. From his thoughts on police, education, financial stability, and much more, he has found creative ways in order to achieve the budget for such projects. This is especially a prominent trait shown as he is running for Chicago mayor as of 2018, after Rahm Emanuel (prior mayor) dropped out from being a candidate. Paul, now determined, wishes to reconstruct certain aspects that Rahm’s campaign either ignored or had been work with it in a negative way.

Chicago Tribune, "Mayor Rahm Emanuel...",
Chicago Tribune WebDate Unknown, Oct 17, 2018
During a speech in August, Vallus stated certain policies he wanted to take care of that Emmanuel handled poorly. One of these political issue is that city colleges are structured to teach a certain subjects within the school. An example would be city college Kennedy-King teaching hospitality and culinary, Malcolm X teaching nursing and medical, and many more. What Paul is arguing is due to transportation, time, and placement in the Chicago area limits certain citizens in job positions. He also argues on whether certain job positions taught by certain schools will even be around in 10 years.

Since Paul has been an advocate of schooling, his belief for the system is that there should be core programs instituted within all of city colleges. Giving out less of a identity but allowing access to certain communities. Paul believes that if this policy were due to effect, then it would allow certain unprivileged students gain higher chances of successful occupations within their community. Not only that, but could also help with bring up the application and attendance rate for city colleges.

Within Chicago Sun Times News website, a recording was shown dedicated to show Paul’s opinions on the subject and why Rahm's system must go. To give context, he and Rahm has had a back and forth political argument on the better system that should be used. Paul has also gained some criticism for his policy, such as not having a financial plan on how to pay for these core classes. Another argument against Paul being that Rahm has made improvements within these communities(though forced thanks to the Laquan McDonald incident) by investing in certain buildings or structures. Paul within the video talks about these problems and how he views the whole subject.
For this project, we will be talking about his rhetoric. Such being on how he handle himself in the emotion of the subject, the logic of the subject, and the ideas of trust the audience gains from this interview. We will also be talking about certain rhetorical tools used within his speak. Examples being analogy, metaphor, and much more. Finally, we will be analyzing if this speech was a success in rhetoric.

Here is the annotation of the speech itself.

"I think we should get elections every year, because then we get a quick response. You know, everything becomes a priority. In election year, right around election year. So that’s number one. Number two, this isn’t, this isn’t a redistribution of the wealth, this is a effective, infrared allocation of resources. “Yock, give me magic johnson and 10 million dollar contract,” it’s not MBEWE in my book. You know, giving money to the alternative schools network so they could serve more children, is the way you invest that money. Building a Wind-Trust, for 175,000,000 dollars. While not investing in the, the a poles and roles area. So, uhm, it’s a question of, it’s a question of priorities, and it’s not a redistribution of the wealth strategy. There are areas of this city that are contracting and you see them. I was at Anglewood yesterday. know, walking down the street. And, and the store fence, the store fence has been torn down or vacant, and I could find, at least in the section I was in, couldn’t find a hard price press to find a fast food joint-so that you can go find and get a cup of coffee. Or michigan avenue, gately people’s store has been shut down for three decades. I used to ride my bike in the five story high parking garage that they had. There deep tour around the parking garage. But, you know..the entire block is almost abandoned. So this isn’t a redistribution of the wealth issue. So you don’t wait until 2016 to allocate money, and you don’t allocate money just on the mero of wims. 250,000 dollars can be allocated without even cityconcil’s approval. You could just simply dispense the resources as you see fit. Usually driven by politics, not by me.”

For most of his speeches or talks,  its always seems Paul always decides on doing logos before anything else. We recognize this at the very ending of the recording, were the candidate talks about money being allocated. 

Mayoral challenger Paul Vallas
Fran Spielman "Mayoral challenger Paul Vallas unveiled...",
Chicago Sun Times News, Web,  Aug 23, 2018, Oct 16, 2018
So you don’t wait until 2016 to allocate money, and you don’t allocate money just on the mero of wims. 250,000 dollars can be allocated without even city council’s approval. You could just simply dispense the resources as you see fit.” 

Notice that he references to the audience rather than Rahm himself. Almost as if he speaks about the common viewer, who doesn’t understand politics compared to politicians who do. From a certain understanding, Paul is stating that this position allows a person to personalize a project rather than help the city. The evidence to harden this idea would the line “as you see fit”, as well as the impression that Rahm has invested in the black communities only because he needed a better image. Thus, it make the logos of the conversation more impactful because it gives of the impression that the information stated could be personalized by anyone, and that it is already happening.

The greatest source of pathos would be the middle of the speech with his grievances and distress within the lots of Chicago. 

“Or michigan avenue, gately people’s store has been shut down for three decades. I used to ride my bike in the five story high parking garage that they had. There deep tour around the parking garage. But, you know..the entire block is almost abandoned ” 

This text right works for two reasons. One being that it isn’t “I feel” or “I think”, but rather “I’ve been”. The idea that you experience the problem and compare it on how it used to be is strong. The reasoning being it gives of an idea that you, the speaker, have a story with this place. Thus, allowing the audience to be empathetic to you. The second reason this works is that it has a sense of logos with this in the information and the way he talks. These communities have been existing with this problem and giving a sense of urgency.

Whenever one thinks about ethos, opinion states it cannot survive or doesn't exist on it’s own. That it needs a sense of either pathos or logos in order for it to work. Going back to the quote from pathos, one could get an idea that Paul came to look at the city first hand, and state grievance from it. Thus, showing our trust in him as he actively goes out into his community trying to stop this.

There are also an analogy that helps with his ethos

“Yock, give me magic johnson and 10 million dollar contract,” it’s not MBEWE in my book”

This analogy is especially important because it shows that Paul has researched certain figures within the communities he his talking about, and is to the eyes of said communities not completely blind. Thus gain trust through not only one specific communities, but multiple who can appreciate those who have taken the time to research. 

Stylistic Devices


“Yock, give me magic johnson and 10 million dollar contract,” it’s not MBEWE in my book”

In this quote, Pual references a famous pastor within the African-American community, Conrad Mbewe. He also talks about another well known African-American title, Magic Johnson. All to mainly emphasize the point that Rahm isn’t using his resources to the community in a correct way. Rather, is giving out money to the areas and specialities he believes will benefit him. This could also be considered a metaphor since Rahm hasn’t endorsed Magic Johnson, or hasn’t given out million dollar contracts. It still brings a good connect to what Rahm has been doing to the city overall.
Image result for paul vallas
 Craig Wall "Candidate for mayor Paul Vallas...",
ABC7, Web,   Aug 23, 2018,Oct 16, 2018

“I used to ride my bike in the five story high parking garage that they had. There deep tour around the parking garage. But, you know..the entire block is almost abandoned”

Rather than comparing two different cities and taking the ideas that Chicago isn’t as great as one city, he talks about the comparison of the past and present. This, one could conclude, is better than talking about two different areas. It gives of an idea that the city used to be good, or at least functional. But now, thanks to a certain force, it is ruined. It better rhetoric because it alludes to a current problem without saying it and  also gives off the idea that it’s possible to return the community to its original form.  Finally, it gives an idea that it will either spread or get worse unless the city takes action within the long term.


“it’s a question of, it’s a question of priorities”
“this isn’t, this isn’t a redistribution of the wealth”
“to allocate money, and you don’t allocate money just on the mero of wims”

Though some people would find these repetition of words sloppy, one could find it has good rhetoric. For what it does is it gives of the impression that the speaker had isn’t pre-researched. Rather, it is something that the speaker genuinely cares about, and shows he/she is confident to keep talking even after mistakes one could criticizes Thus, bring in a good idea of ethos that is subtle, but can go a long way.


The reason I chose this text was mainly because Paul talks about one of the few good policies I agree with. Even though it is expensive, I believe there should be different core classes to open opportunity for different students rather than to force them to travel or pay extra expenses. Not only that, but this speech shows that Paul understands what is needed in order to gain his rhetoric to a certain audience. Using logos, ethos, and pathos perfectly and making seem as if it was all from his personality. Even with the policies I find disagreement in, I still find Paul Vallas rhetorically successful.


Fran Spielman "Vallas wants to dismantle Emanuel’s City Colleges makeover"
Chicago Sun Times,  Web,  Aug 23, 2018, Oct 16, 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hypothetical Vallas

Paul Vallas is considered a politician who changed his view on education from CPS to Charters. This creates controversy on Vallas and shows him in a negative light. However, if we here to turn back to CPS, how would he phrase his message to his audience. This is what my class, Rhetoric, is trying to discover. Not just Paul Vallas, but other infamous political characters in Chicago that students studied. We tried studying certain methods on how to connect to your audience in a very specific way. These methods or subjects being pathos/logos/ethos, history on speeches, advertisement, and language tools. Finally, we went to certain places and met important figures like Troy LaRaviere, Ted Miin, and Alia Bilal.

What we had to due was create a hypothetical and successful rhetorical speech based around a candidate each student choose. I picked Paul Vallas, the former CEO of CPS who is now advocating for Charters. Considering that there was a controversy between the CPS and Charters, I wanted to create a situation where Paul Vallas changed his opinion on Charters. The reason was because Chicago so far doesn't take kindly to Charters. Underneath this intro is a 4 minute speech I made for Paul Vallas if he needed to answer the question "Do you believe Charters and CPS can exist together in the same playing field". What I enjoyed most about the project was the research allowing myself to discover both sides of the argument and who has more truth within each case. However, what I found troublesome was trying to balance ethos and pathos into my logos filled speech. Still, I hope you enjoy.

JN, "Vallas Love, Sept 30, 2018

The image here is the campaign logo for Vallas himself. It is a staircase of blue to show that he is progressive, and the red arrow to show that the right way is the red way. Showing he is going for Republican while taking the stairs of progression.


JN "Rhetoric Papers", Issue, Sep 28, 2018

“Paul Vallas, CEO, Chicago Public Schools”, City Club of Chicago, Web. Feb 21, 2014, Sept 28, 2018

Staff “The State of CPS • How Charter Schools are Undercutting Neighborhood Schools in Chicago”, These Days, Web, Feb 24, 2017, Sept 28, 2018

Strauss V “A dozen problems with charter schools” Washington Post, Web May 20, 2014, Sept 28, 2018

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

You gotta love the Tongue Spinner

The class Design & Engineering at GCE was mainly about the ideas behind creating/designing an item. It was also about being empathetic in order for that object to work with certain people. We studied concepts based around design such as angles, surface area, volume, force/distance, mass, and simple tools. In order for the class to further understand, the instructor had the class go to interview a gardener (user), look at tools in the market (Home Depot) and see the process of how tools are even made. All of this prepared us to create a project based around making a hypothetical gardening tool. My father, J.Neiza Sr, was my interviewee/user for this project to gain the empathy I needed for making said tool. What empathy is is a feeling where you could relate to a person or thing in some form. This relates exactly to my project, as it is an adjusted tool dedicated to helping out certain people in digging.

Still, I hope you enjoy.

What I learned from gardeners were three simple facts to help create the hypothetical tool. The first is that most people have a disability due to age when working with said tools, and designers normally don’t recognize that. The second is that the best tools are normally the ones that can still relate to simple machines.The reason behind this idea is from my father after he was interviewed. When he was ten, his favorite tool was a machete, a tool that in and of itself is a wedge with a handle. The machete is dedicated to not only its intended purpose, but also meant for taking away enemies, gaining fruit, etc. So the more complex a tool is, the less it could be used for a general purpose. The third idea was that technology is something that can always help improve a tool. However, my father would still prefer a tool that had done the work itself. Because of this, my hypothetical tool would have to include working with technology, or at least incorporate some elements in it.

Even with the interview, I still needed to research from various sources. From what I could learn, the tool I had(trench shovel) had certain flaws. For example, my tool had a certain angle to it, and users would have to be in a certain position depending on their height. This could be extremely problematic to the user if they are elderly. I also learned that you need to have physical force in order to operate a shovel. This isn’t just for my tool, as it is for any tool that doesn’t have assistance in any way. This I believe is a major problem, as most gardeners over the age of 50 cannot compare to the strength they had when they were forty.

My final observation regarding the tool could be resolved easily, and wouldn’t need much force to add on.There could simply be a plank on the flat end of the shovel to push the tool down. This is especially important since most shovels are expecting you to plunge the shovel into the dirt with full force. With a plank, you could get the weight of your body or a hammer to nail the shovel into the dirt.  

Since this is a hypothetical tool, I added new features that might seem impossible, but compared to other classmates' tools, are more realistic. There are multiple features to my new tool that have been improved on compared to brands such as Razorback, etc. For one, the biggest feature would be the twisting shovel head, where the head of the shovel twists with the crank that is located on the top handle. This way, it could allow digging to be done, and could clean/smooth the sides of the hole. There’s also the simple yet effective part or rectangular prism that allows the user to connect or move the shovel in a certain angle, which would make it far easier for a person to dig trenches in a certain way rather than a person risking their health in order to change their position. Finally, I added an extra large plank dedicated to distributing the force of a human body or a hammer into nailing the shovel. The main difference is that this plank is larger and therefore has a larger target to push down on.

For the most part, these add-ons allow the user to have less problems with the tool. The first is the position of the body thanks to the joint allowing certain angles between the shovel and handle. The second improvement is that the shovel is built for ergonomic purposes. This is shown through the crank and plank. For one part, it uses a wedge, which a simple tool that has a force being pushed to so that the tip can make a precise cut. In other words, it separates the two pieces of the object. The wedge, being the shovel, is connected to a joint which allows certain angles or vectors.

Personally, I enjoyed working on the project, mainly because it’s creative and didn’t include the hardest math. I did learn however that working with a partner can actually take more time than working alone, only because you cannot see eye to eye at times. What I enjoyed the most from it was the design, and how the model would move due to animation, as it took time and effort. The voiceover was also hard, as my partner had to do multiple takes in order to get it right. Still, I believe the effort paid off in multiple ways, and I would change he amount of time my partner and I had to work together in class. Still, thank you all.

J.N/K.S “AP Design The Best”, Vimeo, Web, Sep 28, 2018

JN "Interview" no website. Sept 28, 2018

JN “Trenching Shovel Labeled” no website, no publisher, Sep 27,2018

J.N, “Vectors”no website, no publisher, Sep 27,2018

Unknown Photographer. “Razor-Back 47.5 in. Wood Handle Trenching Shovel”,HOME DEPOT INC, Web May 1, 2015

Unknown Photographer. “Razor-Back 47.5 in. Wood Handle Trenching Shovel”,HOME DEPOT INC, Web, April 8, 2015

With you have problems understanding the video or need exact words for reference, please click this link to see a script of the project.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Pre-diabetes with a side of education

Diabetes has affected millions of Americans each year with some not even noticing. Which is why I focused my assignment on diabetes in my STEAM class, Cure. What my classmates and I learn is how disease work in a cellular level, treatments in fighting certain illnesses, and the probability of genetic illness. For our final assignment, we had to create a fake patient profile with a certain genetic illness. Then, classmates would research the symptoms and treatments for said illness.

The reason why I choose the illness diabetes is because much of my family has been affect for four generations. My cousin, KZ, was the inspiration for the profile, as she was the one who told me most of our family's illnesses. What I enjoyed most about this assignment was looking into my family tree, and see how it relates to my STEAM class. What I disliked about the assignment is the amount of grammar and formatting I had to fix. Still, I hope you all enjoy.

In conclusion, type 2 diabetes is a serious issue, and needs constant work in order for blood levels to be stable. It doesn't go away easily, and could take years or a lifetime to become healthy. For some people, being a diabetic comes from genetics throughout the family tree. But most of the problem comes from the environment in which the patient lives in. It took some time for this project to be made, and used more sources then the average AP. Reflecting on the class itself, I enjoyed how it integrated both science and math concepts as if they were the same. I also enjoyed on how this paper could be useful later on in life. Still, I hoped you enjoyed the APs from the sophomore year.

Monday, May 28, 2018

The All Mighty and Extremely Extravagant talk(The chit-chat)

When writing a script, you need more then on person to due so. This is because the writer needs other writers to give him/her/them ideas that can improve their idea of the script/story. This is what my class, Drama, has been leaning towards for an assignment. We have also been learning about gender studies, script formatting, character dialogue, and so much more. We had also been to the Goodman Theatre, in which we'd learn certain ways to visualize certain scenes within our plays.

After reading the play A Doll's House, we were paired into groups to write a script that had certain guiding question. For my group, it was "Should women have the same power as men?". We then had to rehearse/record the script in order to check off the assignment rubric. What I enjoyed most about this assignment was it allowed myself to practice my writing skills. It also helped me to think carefully about what is needed through the actors. The camera shots and mannerism make the video somewhat unique compared to other classmates/students. My only complaint is that there has been trouble with communication and there are some scenes that need editing. Still, I hope you enjoy.

Damsel: a young unmarried woman.

Exhort: strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.

Unfathomable: incapable of being fully explored or understood.

Consternation: feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Depression:(It's not a joyride)

Depression is a serious illness, but that doesn't mean it can't be treated. This is what my class, Cure, has been learning about. This STEAM class isn't only learning about external and internal disease, we also learned about cells, certain treatments made to fix certain diseases, and much more. We have also been shown a certain treatment in which claims to help both physically and spiritually. This treatment being called Yoga Nindra.

For this unit, we had to research certain medicaments and treatments needed to cure a disease. For myself, I choose depression as a starting point to research. This is because I have always been fascinated by illnesses, and depression is one of the most widespread. What I enjoyed about creating the assignment was the sideshow, as it show clear guidelines for how to use the medicaments. What I dislike, however, was that the information needed was hidden in complex and confusing ways. Such as certain ingredients not being shown within sources because at times a drug is considered a herb. But then you find the herb to truly be a drug, but only to contradict other sources entirely. Still, I hope you enjoy this presentation.

Lock and Key is the explanation of how drugs or chemicals work throughout the body in its simplest form. What happens is that biologically active molecules from the body enter what is called receptor sites on a cell, and is connected through hydrogen bonding. The effect of the molecule and sites coming together create a certain chemical reaction in the body depending on the cell. Hydrogen bonding can also be freeing proteins to feed the cell and body as well as different sorts of nerve impulses. What certain drugs such as antibodies do is that it blocks the opening of the receptor sites, and thus stops the functions/breaks certain cells. This also works for the drug Celexa shown above.

In conclusion, depression can be treated with time and patience for some of these treatments. Some treatment have also shown to work without time, but can be a dangerous risk. Such being that each cure has its ups and downs. We have to debate and consider on what could work for us in any situation, and if we can truly rely on one single treatment for most of the way. Still, I hoped you enjoyed the presentation.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Sonnet fo Katherine

Sonnets are a type of writing style that was mainly used in the Victorian era, with it's original popularity coming from Shakespeare. Which is what my class, Drama, has been learning. We have also been learning plays, history, and gender standers of the time. We had read the dialogue of Taming of The Shrew, which was written by Shakespeare.

After reading the dialogue from Taming of The Shrew, we had to create a sonnet that address a handpicked character's gender issues. For my sonnet, I choose Katherine, who is one of the main characters. The reason I choose her was because she represented the modern woman, and was ahead of the times. My sonnet is about telling her the she didn't consciously, but rather unconsciously, fall back with her peers thanks to the patriarchy she is in.  From this assignment, what I am the least proudest off would be that the iambic pattern(syllable rhythm) is off. However, I am proud of the content within the sonnet. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, April 27, 2018

I cyst to be.

Any time of being sick, two things could happen. One is which the illness could go away, and the other where you would have to take medication or even surgical procedure to take out the disease/infection. Which is what my class, Cure, has been learning about. We had also been focusing on the fundamentals of cells, disease, and some history on medicine/surgery. We have gone to multiple field experiences, one of them being the ISMM. There, we and learned a great deal on the history of medicine and how some important health benefits came to be.

          What was the original assignment was to create a Prezi to show a handpicked surgery each student of the class researched on. However, the teacher was able to bend the rules, and allowed us to do any medium we want as long as it didn't stray too far away from the original rubric. I decided to create a video that had my own gifs to represent the surgery I chosen. That being a cyst removal. What I found the hardest to do while constructing the presentation was the format shift, as it was extremely time consuming. But, at the same time, it is what I am the most proud of. The reason for this was because it allow myself to visualize interesting movements. It also allowed to make the presentation look more interesting then it would on a Prezi. Still, I hope you enjoy watching my video.

Click this link if you want to learn more about The Pimple Popper.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Some Books are equal, but some are more equal than others.

In very few instances, the censorship of a book could be acceptable. That being said, there are only very few. Most of the time, the banning of the book is not because society frowns upon it, but rather the banner frowns upon it. This is why I, JN, and my class Forbidden Books research such things a dogmas, religions, and taboos that create the justification for censorships. We also went to several Field Experiences that help us gain a better perspective. These being Woman's and Children's First bookstore, the Muslim Community Center, and WBEZ radio station. What we had to do for an assignment is to create an essay that goes on a position that supports or disagrees with a certain book's censorship. For myself, I choose George Orwell's Animal Farm, as it has been banned in multiple countries around the world. The problems I had with creating the essay would be the research, as certain quotes couldn't be found. However, what I found myself prideful for was the dissection of the book with characters and story. Still, I hope you read and enjoy the essay on Animal Farm.



G. Orwell's “Animal Farm” Film. CIA. 1954,

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Depersonalizing and Derealizing away from your life.

A mental disease differs from a mental condition is that it brings harm to the person in more destructive ways. Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (or DDD) is known to be a rare and a definite source of difficulties. I, JN, have been studying it for a class called Disease. We learned about different diseases, both physically and mentally. We also learned about parts of the human brain, as well as the human body in the previous terms. For an assignment, we had to research a certain mental disease. Then we had to create a simulation of said disease so that people can experience the illness as best as possible. The struggle that I had found with this assignment finding away to create the "out of body" experience my chosen. However, what I am the proudest of is gaining the information needed for this project. I hope that you learn more about this disease after reading/viewing this blog.

DDD is an out of body experience in which one literally sees themselves at a certain angle. This is extremely traumatizing for the patient, as well as extremely rare. Underneath this text, there is more information stated on the disease. The flier is supposed to help those understand DDD better after the simulation.

Despite the disease being rare, there is enough data to show important facts for either the patient or their loved ones. Statistics have shown that most adults(in the US) have experienced a form of Depersonalization. However, at least 2% actually met the full criteria to be diagnosed. Another important information for DDD is that more women have suffered more with the disease than men. 

In certain parts of the flier, information can be spotted about the brain. Mainly, certain parts of the human brain that are affected by the disease. Not only that, but certain brain waves can happen while in a depersonalized state, mostly gamma and beta. If you don't know, brainwaves are states of mind in which one goes through depending on a situation. For this assignment, not only we had to create a simulation, but we also had to make a graph relating to what brainwaves one might feel.
After creating the graph, we then had to calculate piecewise functions for each line.  This way, you have the ability to see how far each line would go for every change.

As for the simulation itself, it had a very organized set up that was meant to be practiced before hand. The lesson plan has all the information needed including the time, items, and brainwaves predicted.

With the guidelines of this templet, I was able to create a video that follows at least 90% of the lesson plan through.

As you can see, it is a disease like no other. Even if you were to simulate the disease, it still could never be the full extent. DDD is terrible and rare disease, to the point where it is hard to simulate. In a certain youtube video, there was a girl who claimed had DDD in her early childhood and teens. She states the reason she is admitting to now is because a role model admitting to the disease before hand, in which the girl took inspiration. That she didn't want to do it before-hand "because I thought I get locked up". She talks about her experience through the video, and how it was traumatizing for her. She states in the middle of the she couldn't or " can't find joy in somethings." and that for normal people "You normally feel happiness or joy.”. She also states that it's somewhat of a silent disease, meaning that "Nobody knows”  and “You are the only person the knows it, and you are the only person that feels it.”.

In conclusion, DDD is a very harmful disease. Like all disease, it creates problems in one's self and family. The trouble I had creating this presentation was the simulation, which was harder than expected. I believe if I was more prepared, then the simulation would have been more affective. But it could never be extended to what the true disease is now. Still, I am glad that I learned about the disease, as well as this class.


American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TR.